Monday, May 4, 2009


I called Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) office for clarification regarding registration for 'Kursus Perkahwinan'. Someone picked up the phone, unfortunately I could barely hear her voice. Know why? Because she was answering the phone call as lazy as a sloth. When I asked her questions, she didn't answer it, but straight away asking about my particular details. Thought she was trying to check and confirmed my registration, but I am yet to submit the registration form. I tried to tell her that, but she kept insisting of having my particular details. The tone of her voice was irritating, as if I am interrupting her evening nap at the office during working hours. So, I just tell her whatever info she asked for. At the end of the conversation, she mentioned that I can come for class on the weekend. She registered it for me on the spot.

Well, it was a good thing that I can register for the class without having to submit the registration form by hand. But I am still dissatisfied with the manners of the lady. At least she can clarify everything first before suddenly asking my particular details. She may want to finish the conversation as quick as possible (so she can continue napping during working hours), but her ignorance towards my enquiries was unacceptable. And plus, the tone of her voice, if only I can punch her face through the phone to wake her up. I hope this lady can be more courteous in doing her job. Since she is working with JAIS, her attitude somehow will reflect Muslims and Islams overall.

-The End-