Jue & I went to Jusco Setiawangsa for dinner. I wished to have anything but nasi goreng/mee goreng/kuey tiow goreng that night. First, thought of going to A&W, but Jue disapproved,huhu... So, have to go around Jusco, hunting for place to satisfied our beastily hungrily tummy. Finally, we mutually agreed to go to this one quite 'exclusive=over-priced" restaurant for people like us. The menu are complete with pictures and prices. Very good so we know where we stand, haha!!
Jue ordered beef steak, I ordered pasta (can't remember the name). From the images, both meals look promising. But when the meals finally arrived, it differ a lot from the images shown. OK, maybe the taste will be great. Both of us tuck in. Mine, taste simple, not something I hoped for, but still nice (if not compared with the price). Jue's, totally sucks. Steak was 'liat' (ape ek liat dlm english?), pasta taste like rotten(basi). Jue was incapable of eating that 'crap', so she exchanged hers with mine since I have developed my taste bud with mutant power, huhu....able to withstand damn crappy taste food.
We feel cheated. So, no longer we will step inside some fancy restaurant with some fancy price tags without someone recommendation. Unless we are very rich, and wasting money on crappy food are affordable.