Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Company's Policy

First of all, I would like to declare that whatever written in this entry is not an expression of discontent or any sorts towards my current company. It is just a matter of me writing nonsense and giving bit & pieces of my humble opinion.

My current job requires me to travel a lot. Last month was the most hectic one. Voluntarily, I went to the 3 out of 4 site visits, driving my own car. Supposedly can ask company to arrange flight for me, but I'd rather drive and later claim extra from milage..huhu...

As a result, the monthly claim accumulated to a very satisfying number. But actually, you already used almost half of the amount earlier (toll, petrol,...). But still ok what. Even after serviced my car, still got plenty of extra.

Then, the Finance Manager came to me. He was saying "Later if you go for site visit, please check if there is company car available. If not, then you can drive your own car". Aiyoooo...so, I asked him why. He replied easily "Company's policy, already for a long2 years". Hahaha...can't say anything after that.

I am ok with that (tipu je...mule2 bengkak gak la, tp bile pk2, dh bukan rezeki). It is undoubtedly good for company. But for me, it is not good for the employee. One thing employer should consider is that, travelling long distance for works can be EXTREMELY tiring. It is totally different when you travel while in vacation ok!! Plus, when you have to travel far without overnight stay, yet because of another COMPANY's POLICY. Please do take this into considerations before implying any policies. For someone with salary more than 10k, this milage claim may sounds irrelevant. But for employee like me, it is very2 important..hehehe...

But for now, just have to abide to the policy la. Perhaps, in future I can find a more considerate employer. But, not planning on changing job yet. Haha!!

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